

DrivePool Data Collection, Use and Privacy

Our commitment to privacy: DrivePool understands that protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your information is important. This Privacy Code governs the collection, use and disclosure of your information in any form, whether written or electronic, by DrivePool. This Privacy Code explains what information may be collected from you, and how it is used. It also describes how you can ask questions, make suggestions, and express concerns about our privacy practices.

This Privacy Code applies only to the information collected by DrivePool. The collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is governed by any and all applicable privacy laws, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (the “Act”), including applicable provincial legislation. DrivePool has access to and the ability to store some of the following personally identifying information in connection with the delivery of our services for our users:

Contact names, email addresses and phone numbers from your device's contacts database. This information is only used by DrivePool to facilitate your communications with team and pool members, and is not shared with any third parties.

Personally identifiable information from the TeamSnap platform, which often includes:

  • First Name,

  • Last Name,

  • Home address: street number, street name, unit number, etc., city, province, postal code, zip code, state, country, etc.

  • The names and ages of any of your children using TeamSnap.

The above listed information is only accessible to DrivePool when you allow DrivePool to access your TeamSnap account. The TeamSnap privacy policy may be found on their website If you have any concerns or questions, we encourage you to contact us at or and we will address your concerns to the best of our ability. Please read this Privacy Code carefully, and check back periodically as we may update it from time to time.



DrivePool relies on HTTP cookies to maintain application state and functionality. A cookie is a small file assigned to your Web browser that can store information. If you are concerned about cookies, it is possible to turn them off in your web browser preferences. However, please be aware that by disabling cookies, your web surfing experience will be degraded, and DrivePool may become unusable for you.


DrivePool does not disclose, share or sell your Personally Identifiable Data, except in the following cases. Your information may be processed and stored outside of the province in which you reside and/or outside of Canada by us, an affiliate or a third party service provider for the purposes set out in this Privacy Code. An example of this remote data storage and processing is DrivePool’s use of the Google Cloud Platform for application hosting and data storage. Under the laws of these other jurisdictions, and in certain circumstances, foreign courts, law enforcement agencies and/or regulatory agencies may be entitled to access your information.

DrivePool may disclose your information to third parties if you have violated our terms of service, or if we need to comply with applicable laws and lawful governmental requests, other legal and regulatory authorities and for other legal reasons.

DrivePool may use aggregated data in a non Personally Identifiable Information format to sell sponsorships or advertising related to the service.


DrivePool encourages you to contact us with any questions or concerns you have about your privacy or this Privacy Code. If you have a question concerning the DrivePool Privacy Code please contact us at: Chief Privacy Officer, DrivePool: This Privacy Code was last updated in Sept 2022.